Sunday, December 9, 2007

Coastal Retreat

This week we learned about something that I found very interesting and important for everyone to know, coastal retreat. I first learned about this in my Geology class two years ago. My professor told me that at the time, San Francisco's cliff area was losing one whole street every 10 years or so. This is very important to know when you want to buy a house, especially one that overlooks the bay).

This information is very valuable for me because now I know the processes that are involved when cliffs collapse. Much of California's coast is some kind of cliff and these cliffs are eroding due to the weather changes, rising in the sea level and tectonic activity.

If people do not pay attention to where we are building, we are going to be putting ourselves in danger. It is not nature's fault because these are natural processes that have been going on for years. But we choose to build because cliffs offer a wonderful view. But sooner or later, these buildings are going to be put in danger as the land from under them gets eroded. This is why we all need to know about coastal retreat, not just college students, because this, like everything else, affects everyone.

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