Sunday, December 9, 2007

Global Warming Take Two

I know I already wrote a blog about Global Warming when I wrote my Global Warming paper. However, I read an article called "Search for Solutions" and it really shows how we all have to make changes in our lives if we really do want to stop Global Warming and make our world a better place.

Right now, we all need we all need to make small changes in our lives in order to make a big difference in the world. Things like recycling more and eating more organic and locally grown foods to reduce gas emissions can really help turn Global Warming around. I know everyone says we need to change, but it's true. Why does it have to take Global Warming for us to really make a change. We should always conserve and we should have been doing it for a long time already.

We are in the middle of a crisis, and it does not matter if it is naturally occurring or not. If it is, fine, that can be acceptable, but then for sure we are speeding the process. If it's not and we are really at fault for this, then we need to still make a change. In the end, since we started all of this, we need to make changes to try to restore things and clean up our air and our earth. Again, by making these small changes, like changing a light bulb, we can really make a big difference, but everyone needs to help to see results.

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