Monday, October 29, 2007

Global Warming

Doing Activity 3 about Global Warming has really opened my eyes to problems I had never even thought about. I already knew about threats of a hotter climate and rising of the sea level, but to think that we may starve (which is an extreme assumption) is a serious wake up call.

Basically my article was about the threat of slowing crop production and the rising cost to may food supplies. I mean I suppose we could grow more food in colder countries becasue with the hotter climate comes longer growing seasons for them. But if we all had to get our food imported just to survive, I feel like our world would be in total chaos. Wars might spring out of lack of food production and you never know, may even go as far as saying who has rights to these lands if food production is low. In other words, this ordeal could become very political.

This is why people need to start opening their eyes about Global Warming. I mean if you do not believe in Global Warming, is it going to hurt that much to conserve anyway? It would still help the world. It just upsets me that people think that we can live on forever and that the world can keep taking care of us and supplying us with unlimited resources. I hope people can really start thinking about the world they live in and not themselves all the time. Ugghh....

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