Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Southern California Fires

Honestly, I did not really think these fires were going to get as out of hand as they have. And I really did not pay attention at first but know I see that this is not only changing the lives of our fellow Californians, but is stepping more into my own personal life.
I am glad I know more about what is causing these fires, more than most people I talk to actually. I noticed on a lot of reports that there was mention about the Santa Ana winds and how they are causing all the fires. If I had never learned about them in class, I would be clueless as to why they are the cause. But now that I know, I can let others know and help them out in understanding our weather.

At my job, we have to let our customers know that if we ship to Southern California, there may be a delay since UPS is having trouble delivering to many areas. One package going to Kansas even got delayed because it stopped in L.A. first (I don't know why UPS took that detour), and they were mad but that's mother nature...sorry!

Also, another thing that hits close to home is that my aunt lives in San Diego and hoping her house is surviving is constantly in my mind. Hopefully everything turns out ok in the end, whenever that will be....

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